The Hamburg Central School District "Article 7" Committee consists of teachers and administrators who (usually) meet on a monthly basis. Topics may include lesson planning, improving instruction, assessment/evaluation, etc.
Meeting minutes, along with various recommended resources can be found on this web-page as well.
Article 7- Lesson Plan Template- Fill-able Form
- This form can be filled out on your computer.
- To access the template, click on the link above.
- The file will open in the browser view mode:
- Move your cursor to the upper right and click on the Download arrow:

- The file is then downloaded to your Downloads folder. You can find it in My PC.
- It is recommended that you close your web browser.
- Open the Adobe Reader program on your computer.
- In Adobe Reader, click File > Open and find the file in your Downloads folder.
- You now can enter your lesson information into the Lesson Plan Template.
- Be sure to save your work! Click File > Save as and save it as the file name of your lesson.
- When you open the document, it must open in Adobe Reader to type in it and save the the document.
- This document contains scroll-able text boxes. It will not print out properly at this time but it can be emailed to an administrator for review.
- A "non-fillable form" version of the lesson plan document can be found in Google Docs following these instructions.
- If you'd like to work on the lesson plan at home, make sure your home computer has Adobe Reader installed. If not, here is the link to download the software at home.
- All school desktop computers already have the software installed..
Lesson Plan Appendix Article 7